Veronika Maine | Oracle Fox


Shannikah 'Rae' Doherty by Amanda Shadforth of Oracle Fox for Veronkia Maine

Correct me if I'm wrong here but it looks like our sun-soaked siblings from Down Under are anything but SAD come the seasonal switch over.
 I mean, surely when us Brits are stripping down to (almost) what God gave us and finishing off with a bottle of factor fake tan, our Aussie comrades should at the very least be positioned next to the nearest heat source coupled only with a boiling cup of hot Vimto...

(Too Mancunian?)

Pinstriped panties, men's shirts and an abundance of oversized knits - with an aesthetic about the only thing sub zero in these shots by Amanda Shadforth for Aus label Veronika Maine; be sure to find me on board the next flight bound for those scorching Winter rays.